Third Parties

  • Third parties- organisations participating in Horizon Europe projects without signing the grant agreement. 
  • In order to harmonize the terminology and rules with other EU programmes, the Commission will change the names of two types of third parties commonly used in Horizon 2020:
    • ‘Linked third parties’ will become ‘Affiliated entities’ in Horizon Europe; and
    • ‘International partners’ (Article 14a of the Model Grant Agreement) will become ‘Associated partners’ in Horizon Europe.
    • The rules for participation related to these third parties have not changed from the previous programme despite the change in terminology:
      • Associated Partners - entities that participate in the project, but without the right to charge costs. They must be based in third countries not eligible to receive Horizon Europe funding (final list still to be published) and their share of the total project budget must be indicated in the online budget table (Part A of the application form) for statistical purposes only.
      • Affiliated Entities - entities affiliated to a beneficiary (through a legal or capital link), which participate in the action with similar rights and obligations as the beneficiaries (obligation to implement project tasks and right to charge costs/claim contributions).
  • Similar cosmetic changes concern other aspects of the programme. For example, the ‘Commission/Agency’ featuring in the Horizon 2020 grant agreements will now be replaced with the ‘Granting Authority’ - a term used more widely in other EU programmes. 
  • Other options for third parties such as subcontractors or third parties providing in-kind (non-financial) contributions to the beneficiary organisation will remain the same. 
  • However, there will be a change in the way in-kind contributions from third parties (e.g. personnel seconded to the beneficiary or equipment) are claimed against payment. Such contributions will now need to be claimed under the relevant cost category (e.g. ‘Personnel costs’ for the cost of staff seconded by a third party to the beneficiary).