Organized crime prevented and combated

Improved intelligence picture and enhanced prevention, detection and deterrence of various forms of organised crime.

Expected Outcomes: Projects’ results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

  • Improved intelligence picture and understanding of mechanisms behind organised crime activities related to trafficking of various good and types of crime (cultural goods, Environmental crime and firearms trafficking)  modus operandi, both offline and online, possible nexus with terrorist financing;
  • Enhanced ability of security practitioners to identify organised crime networks involved in trafficking and crime and to detect their business model, including financial aspects and money laundering activities in this sector;
  • Enhanced ability of security practitioners to detect and prevent the emergence of organised crime networks involved, and to respond to the threat of existing organisations; 
  • Improved and validated  tools, skills and training materials (including the lawful court-proof collection of crime evidence) for European LEAs and Border Guards,customs Authorities and other relevant practitioners to tackle related criminal activities;
  • Improved cooperation between European LEAs and Border Guards and customs Authorities, as well as with international actors, in tackling this forms of crime;
  • Improved databases on stolen/trafficked goods; 
  • Improved evidence-based policy-making against trafficking of cultural goods.