Secure Societies - Useful Information

Tools, presentations, links and other materials to help you with your Secure Societies proposal

On this page you will be able to find Secure Societies related documents, useful links and presentations to help you with your proposal.

ISERD offers a recording of the webinar held 17/03/2020 detailing the various 2020 open calls with a deadline of 27/08/2020, as well as general tips for submission, explanations on the different proposal sections and additional information.

Secure Societies overview – Get more information about each part of the Work Programme, and see the topics relating to this part – 

Presentations from previous events – 

Project Catalogs – 
The Commission recently issues project catalogs for the different Secure Societies calls for proposals.
These catalogs have information regarding the funded projects under those calls.

In addition, the commission also published a catalog of funded projects under FP7. It is important to be aware of previously funded projects when submitting a proposal to the Commission.

Useful links -

Secure Societies Work Programme - 2018-2020
The most recent version of the Secure Societies Work Programme (WP).

The European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO)
ECSO represents the contractual counterpart to the European Commission for the implementation of the Cyber Security contractual Public-Private Partnership (cPPP).

Community of Users (CoU)
The Community of Users (CoU) enables practitioners to share expertise and discuss policy and facilitate the transfer of information.

NIS-Resilience, CIIP Portal  
The NIS Platform will help implement the measures set out in the NIS Directive and ensure its convergent and harmonised application across the EU.

International Forum to Advance First Responders
IFAFRI helps the world’s first responders conduct their missions more effectively, safely, and efficiently by providing information that may influence the global market to develop affordable and innovative technology for first responders.