Land, oceans and water for climate action

Land, oceans and water for climate action

Food and nutrition security for all within planetary boundaries is ensured through knowledge, innovation and digitalisation in agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture and food systems, which are sustainable, resilient, inclusive, safe and healthy from farm to fork


Success Stories

An EU-funded project is developing two new deep-water gliders that would expand the ability of scientists and industry to measure the environmental impact of…


Track 37- Providing financial support to companies interested in submitting requests to the EU Framework Program – Horizon Europe
Updates and changes to Horizon Europe (HEU)
Being an expert for the European Commission – Current experts share their experience

Horizon Material

The list of Calls and topics on the Participant Portal (PP) – all proposals are submitted through this system.
Part A and Part B templates for Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) and Innovation Actions (IA).
Commission related documents and reference files such as model grant agreements, rules for submission and evaluation and templates.